Ritu provides a distinctive service to all its brides with an individualistic approach which is second to none. For the brides a process is followed to make sure you have a comfortable experience and all the details are discussed for that special look you would want for the day.
Ritu believes that she can create that charismatic look that a bride needs on her special day. Each bride is treated in a unique manner and not with a standard makeup that goes for all; full attention is given to each bride so that she looks the best with radiating skin tone and accentuated features. Ritu uses high quality products from companies like MAC, Kraylon, Chanel and Estee-Lauder.
Ritu makes heads turn by sheer dexterity of her fingers. She has been gifted to transform faces – a few movements of the brush, some dash of colour here and there, stroke of concealing and face features highlighting, few snips and curls and a face – Ritu’s special look is created. From Fashion divas in Melbourne to Bollywood celebrities like Kanika Kapoor – all have been given the glam look from Ritu’s colour box.
At Ritu’s – you are the millennium bride and star of the evening